Wednesday 31 March 2010

Sight and Sound

‘Sight and Sound' is my chosen magazine in which I will produce a magazine cover for my viral campaign. The reason for such a decision is the fact that ‘Empire’ magazine mainly focus on big blockbuster movies from Hollywood and my production is more likely to be produced by a small media institution such as BBC-Film who like the BFI (British Film Institute) are funded publically and hold a duty to provide reviews on a wide variety of films. Both BBC-Film and the BFI have a lot to do with social realist films and although our film is not directly a social realist film it does contain some controversial issues. For example our synopsises of the film in which we are producing a trailer for is that teenagers get locked in at college one night after studying late where they are then attacked by a caretaker. The controversial issue being that within society recently there have been a number of cases whereby members of authority have abused there powers. It can be said that ‘Sight and Sounds’ target audience are slightly older than those of ‘Empires’ target audience. This is especially appropriate to our film as it holds a certificate 15 due to some of the violent content. This also relates to the fact that it can be said that ‘Sight and Sound’ readers hold an air of maturity and this too would be required within our target audience in order for them to fully appreciate what is being represented to them.
Additionally with regards to mise-en-scene the photograph which I decided to use was most suitable to be featured on a ‘Sight and Sound’ cover as it features 3 people facing the camera in costume but not necessarily in character. To add to this the dull effect of my photograph also matched some of the codes and conventions featured on a ‘Sight and Sound ‘magazine.

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