The filming of our new sequence of scenes took nearly 3 hours in total. This included all production members taking production stills and photos for the portfolio. Once we had begun filming things seemed to run smoothly and go well. We managed to obtain all the extra shots in which we needed for the trailer. Like before I assumed the role of director as I was the one who designed the story boards with help from the other team members.
On the day of filming something in which did cause some concern was the fact that one group member had an alternative idea as to the way in which we would film certain shots. The reason I feel this was is due to the diminutive amount of time in which we had in order to produce the pre production. Meaning there was less time for debates and queries. This problem was overcome by referring to the story boards and I believe that they are happy with the overall effect of the shots.
Additionally for one of our scenes in which we filmed it was required that a chair was pushed down a flight of stairs in order to add some action and chaos to our trailer. This was a fairly noisy process and although we did inform the staff in their office that that this is what we were doing a member of staff did become concerned as they had not been informed of our activity and consequently asked us to stop. This would have been problematic if we hadn’t informed other teachers as it is likely they too would have wanted us to stop but because we had we were able to obtain the shots we needed first before somebody became concerned. After the filming the same member of staff did approach sympathetically and enquire that we had the shots we needed.
Even though the actual filming of the trailer went well during the editing of the footage our editor noticed that our new footage was shot in 4x3 and our original footage was in wide screen. This was an error on our behalf as we did not think to check the settings of the camera. Although in our defence the scenes shot in wide screen were not deliberate and we did not choose for this to happen. Although essentially this seemed problematic we have been able to rectify the problem during the editing process.
I feel that the completion of the filming process for our trailer has boosted the moral of the group and we are now almost back on track with regards to being finished on time. Any problems that occurred on the day of filming were dealt with in a professional manner and the whole experience is proof of good organisation and team work as we have been able to alter our schedule and still keep up the work load through the added efforts of the group.
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