As a group we had only used the audio suite once in a volunteer activity during the summer holidays. This meant that our lecturer did initially go through with us how to use the recording equipment. When left to our own devices we had our voiceover for our trailer recorded in no time at all. This was including us taking many recordings of the same spoken lines in order so we could have a variety to choose from to obtain the desired effect.
We next moved on to the recording of the radio script. This again went really well and we were able to record the script a number of times again to enable us to select the best takes. We did the scripted vocal stuff first so not to keep our vocalist waiting. As a group we did make a small mistake in the sense that we did not record the certification of our movie. However this was not such a problem as it was noted by me that when the certification is quoted it is normally said by somebody other than the main vocals. I was able to step in here and fill in. This was the only problem in which we faced and I still fell that it went well.
My role within the voiceover and radio advert production was to aid our vocalist by providing him with scripts. Whilst in there I directed the vocalist in the way in which we wished things to be spoken.
After the vocal work was all finished and we were happy with it we began to record sound effects such as heavy breathing, footsteps and the sound of the keys. Here we were able to experiment with the sounds which were being produced for example with the heavy breathing we need to increase the level of the microphone in order for it to be detected. All of the sound effects took a couple of times to achieve but this was to be expected as we were experimenting for the best result.
Following this we then proceeded to record our own individual sound track for our trailer and the radio advert. We were able to produce our own music because a member of the group is an avid musician who had some keen ideas for the dramatic music. We recorded three different pieces of music so that we have other options but as a group we did settle on one specific one in which we feel would be most suitable. This music will be featured both on the trailer and radio advert.
As we had accomplished our aims for the session and we had a great deal of time left we decided that it would be a good idea if we began editing our radio advert. This turned out to be beneficial as once we got going we became exceptionally efficient with the controls in the audio suite and were able to complete a rough edit for our radio advertisement.
I feel that this session was very successful because we managed to complete everything we wanted and more within the designated time slot. This I feel boosted the confidence of the group slightly as it felt like we had accomplished something.
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