My role within the production of the trailer was to act as director and take primary responsibility for coordinating the work of all of the team members. As well as referring to the script and story board to make sure that they were being followed as closely as possible. The reason in which I assumed this role was because I was the team member who developed everyone’s ideas into one compatible one this being the role of the screen writes.
If I had to suggest a problem which caused the most issues it would have been location. As although we had taken test photographs to make sure that it were suitable for our needs we did encounter some minor problems. Firstly and possible the most threatening was the fact that the stairs in which we had decided to use as one of our locations had a bike padlocked to the railings. We then faced the dilemma of finding the owner of the bike and asking whether it would be possible for them to move it temporarily. The reason in which this caused such a problem for our production was the fact that we were attempting to create a sense of isolation and abandonment within our trailer. Furthermore the stairs in which we intended to use were the only appropriate location within the college. Our first port of call was the staff room in which we were able to contract the person whose bike it was through a lecturer. In the end this situation did not pose a serious threat however it did put us behind schedule. Nevertheless this time was made up as our producer became more confident and accurate when using the equipment.
Additionally with regards to location we faced another crisis as unfortunately one of the doors that we had intended to use produced too much reflection. Something which could have been avoided if it was noticed when producing our test shots for our trailer of the locations. The only way around this would have been to have taken the test shots of the location at the same time of day in which we planned to film at. Although other members of the group found this occurrence quite disheartening and stressful for me I was less concerned. As essentially there are many doors within college in which we could have used. Which is what occurred in the end and I feel the end product of that scene is just as effective.
Something else which posed a threat to our production was that one of the cast or actors did not turn up as arranged and we had to find somebody to replace them a short notice. Although inconvenient this did not pose to large a threat to the production schedule as we were able to call upon peers who were willing to help. As a result of this the production of the trailer commenced on time. However even if the filming did not start on time this would not have been a problem as we had booked the equipment and location for longer than would have been necessary as we had taken the unexpected into account.
Finally the last problem in which we encountered was a sudden dramatic loss of battery life although the batteries had been fully charged at the beginning. Although potentially if we were unprepared this could have caused a serious threat to our production but thankfully the batteries didn’t run out. Also because we were so well organised there was a back up battery as well as the opportunity to run the camera off of mains electricity through sockets at all of our locations. Fundamentally this never really caused our production any threat. The reason for this being that as soon as this problem was noticed we began running the camera off of the colleges mains electricity to make sure that when filming we did not lose any footage.
On the day of the filming of the trailer each group member took the initiative to bring in their own personal stills camera in order for them to take production stills and photos in which they may choose to use on either their individual magazine covers or website pages. This not only shows initiative it provides evidence for the fact we as a group are forward thinking. As by using the same day to take production stills it has increased the continuity for our campaign through the use of dress codes as a signifier. This will be reflected in both the magazine cover and web page.
In conclusion on the day of filming everything went according to plan and we only faced minor difficulties on the day of the production. We managed to accomplish all the scenes in which we required. Filming each scene at least 3 times to make sure we have a variety of shots to choose from. This essentially should make the process of editing easier. Any problems that we may have encountered were dealt with in a professional way and with all members of the group equally doing there best to produce a top quality trailer.
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